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How Do Stem Cells Work

Stem cell therapy is a medical treatment where doctors use special cells, called stem cells, to repair or replace damaged parts in your body.

Stem cells can turn into different cell types: heart cells, blood cells, muscles, joints etc. It’s used for healing injuries, treating blood diseases, and rejuvenating tissues. This means it can help you to make parts of your body work better and feel younger, using the body’s own ability to heal.

My Stem Cell Therapy Experience

I'm suffering from an anxiety disorder, which creates all kinds of other symptoms (high blood pressure, low white blood cells, etc.), so I decided to try stem cells. I am, anyway, interested in stem cells, so I bought the "Stem Cell for Dummies" book, and educated myself a bit about the topic. As the book says: "A stem cell is a cell that can heal any part of your body and refresh your cells." As we age, our body produces fewer stem cells, and I feel this (painful joints, especially my left knee, right wrist, lower back pain).

I've found this website by googling "stem cell treatment in Pattaya", and this is where my journey started. After I used the calculator on the website and booked the appointment, Stem Cell Pattaya sent a nurse to my home, and they tested my blood. The doctor suggested the 50 million stem cell treatment.
This is the 50 million live stem cell ampule.
I said to the nurse: "Come on, let's do it."
On the treatment day, the driver picked me up at my home and took me to Bangkok to the Stem Cell Pattaya Clinic. This trip was about 2 hours, in a very comfortable VIP Minivan. I asked them why they do not do the treatment in Pattaya, but they said stem cells must be very fresh, and the laboratory is in Bangkok, so they don’t want to risk the live stem cells (by the time it weakens, and every hour matters).

We arrived at the clinic, and they checked my blood pressure, weight (basic procedure), and then I had a consultation with the doctor. Right after this, I got a mini sample of the stem cell to check if I had no allergy to the stem cells (safety first). This took about 15 minutes. This was the time when the stem cells arrived from the laboratory. The nurse was happy to show me to ensure me that these are 50 million live stem cells.
I said to the nurse: "Come on, let's do it."
I was nervous - as again, I have an anxiety disorder, but the doctor came into the treatment room and said, "Stem cell treatment is very safe. There have been no reported cases at all since they started doing stem cells in Thailand." This really helped me to calm down, and I was listening to some music on my phone, which further lowered my anxiety.

The treatment itself was pretty uneventful. I did not feel anything, and when I needed to go to the bathroom twice :), the nurse helped me.
This is me getting the 50 million stem cells.
After the treatment, I felt tired. On the way back, there was a bit of heavy traffic in Bangkok, but we managed to arrive back at my house in about 2.5 hours. It was great to relax in the car; I loved the VIP seats.

So this is my journey. I'm writing this 1 day after the treatment. My sleep was more than okay, and I feel something happening in my body (probably the stem cells are working hard to heal me). I wrote this experience because I knew nothing about this treatment - probably the same as you now - and hope my story helps you. Cheers, Peter

History of Stem Cells


Let's take a step back into the early 1960s, a pivotal time in medical history, especially in the realm of stem cell research. Here, two Canadian scientists, James Till and Ernest McCulloch, were about to make a discovery that would open new doors in medical science.

In their groundbreaking experiments, Till and McCulloch used mice as subjects. They exposed these mice to high levels of radiation, effectively wiping out their blood- and immune-forming systems. This drastic measure set the stage for their remarkable discovery.

The next step was crucial. The scientists injected bone marrow cells (stem cells) into some of these radiation-treated mice. This move was more than just a scientific trial; it was a leap into the unknown. The results were stark and telling. The mice that did not receive the bone marrow cells unfortunately did not survive, but those that did receive the transplants recovered and lived! The transplanted bone marrow cells were doing something extraordinary – they were rebuilding the mice's blood- and immune-forming systems.

In their groundbreaking experiments, Till and McCulloch used mice as subjects. They exposed these mice to high levels of radiation, effectively wiping out their blood- and immune-forming systems. This drastic measure set the stage for their remarkable discovery.

The next step was crucial. The scientists injected bone marrow cells (stem cells) into some of these radiation-treated mice. This move was more than just a scientific trial; it was a leap into the unknown. The results were stark and telling. The mice that did not receive the bone marrow cells unfortunately did not survive, but those that did receive the transplants recovered and lived! The transplanted bone marrow cells were doing something extraordinary – they were rebuilding the mice's blood- and immune-forming systems.

This experiment was a eureka moment in understanding the hidden potential of bone marrow. Till and McCulloch had uncovered the presence of stem cells within the bone marrow – a monumental discovery. These stem cells were capable of regenerating and repairing vital body systems, a property that had immense implications for medical treatments.

Their work laid the foundation for future research into stem cells, transforming our understanding and approach to various medical conditions and treatments. The term 'bone marrow' took on a new, profound meaning, representing a source of life and regeneration.

This discovery marks a significant chapter in the history of stem cells – a journey of curiosity, experimentation, and breakthrough that continues to inspire and drive medical innovation today.

Did You Know?

We have stem cells all over in our body

Researchers have found adult stem cells in a variety of tissues. The best-known are skin stem cells and blood-forming stem cells, but stem cells also have been identified in fatty tissue, the intestines, the liver, the lungs, and skeletal muscles, as well as in the brain, blood vessels, and even, it appears, in the heart muscle. Their job seems to be to replenish tissue cells as they wear out or die from age or normal wear and tear.

How stem cell reproducing itself and at the same time creates a new cell

Like other cells in the body, tissue stem cells have the unique ability to divide. However, what sets them apart is the outcome of this division. Typically, when a stem cell divides, it produces two different types of cells. One remains a stem cell, retaining the potential for further division, while the other transforms into a specialized cell, like a blood or skin cell.

This characteristic of producing two distinct cell types is a crucial attribute of stem cells. It's not just about creating more cells; it's about maintaining a balance. While stem cells generate the specific cells needed for the body's diverse functions, they also replicate themselves. This ensures a continuous supply of stem cells, ready to create new cells for the body's ongoing maintenance and repair needs. Thus, stem cells play a dual role - as a source for specialized cells and as self-renewing cells to sustain their own population.

Fascinating how stem cells work for worms

Planaria are tiny flatworms with a super cool ability. If you cut them into as many as 32 pieces, each piece can grow back into a whole new worm, complete with a head, tail, mouth, eyes, and all its organs. This amazing skill is because planaria have lots of special cells called stem cells all over their bodies. These stem cells can turn into any type of cell the worm needs at any time. So, if you cut a part off, these stem cells get to work and create all the new parts needed.

Evidence of stem cells in your body

Humans don't have the same regeneration abilities as some animals. For instance, if we lose an arm, it won't grow back. But there are parts of our bodies that can regenerate to some extent. If you lose a fingernail, your body can grow a new one. Also, if you break a bone, your body can create new bone tissue to heal the break.

Other parts of the human body that can regenerate include blood, liver, and skin. Our bone marrow has stem cells that continuously produce new blood cells, replacing the old ones that die off. The liver also has a remarkable ability to regenerate; even if part of it is damaged, it can often regrow back to its original size.

The skin is another area where regeneration occurs. Stem cells in the skin are always working to replace old skin cells with new ones. This is important for everyday wear and tear and also helps heal minor injuries, like cuts and scrapes. For more serious injuries, the body can produce scar tissue in addition to new skin.

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Soi Thepprasit 6 (Soi Kophai)
Bang Lamung, 20150
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Mon - Fri: 09.00-18.00
Sunday: 09.00-16.00